Студентам 5 курса

Студентов 5 курса приглашаем на спецкурс на английском языке “Systems biology of aging”. Лектор - профессор Harvard Medical School Вадим Николаевич Гладышев.

Course title: Systems biology of aging

Instructor: Vadim Gladyshev

Schedule and target audience: Feb 2019, twice a week, 5th year students of FBB (others by permission)

14 Feb 2020 10:55-12:30 aud. 403
17 Feb 2020 15.35-17.10 aud. 403
18 Feb 2020 15.35-17.10 aud. 438
22 Feb 2019 10.55-12.30 aud. 403

The course will be taught in English.

Grade: Pass or no pass.

Goals of this course: Understand aging as a systemic process. Learn/improve ability to understand and interpret current research in the field. Familiarity with basic theories of aging and concepts and approaches in aging research. Understand context of data in molecular aging research.

Contact info: vgladyshev@rics.bwh.harvard.edu