26 апреля 2011, четверг, 18.00
Вадим Гладышев
Анализ редокс-регуляции и старения через анализ геномов
Nearly every cellular system is subject to reduction-oxidation (redox) control. Thiol-based redox regulation emerged as a key redox system that acts through the redox state of cysteine residues in proteins. We developed tools for identification of thiol oxidoreductases on a redox-wide scale and found that these proteins account for approximately 1% of the proteome and are present in all living organisms. A subset of these proteins utilizes catalytic redox selenocysteine residues. One animal poses a challenge to the understanding of redox homeostasis. This animal, naked mole rat (NMR), is characterized by significant oxidative stress, but its proteome does not show age-related susceptibility to oxidative damage nor increased ubiquitination. Although the size of a mouse, NMR’s maximum lifespan exceeds 30 years making this animal the longest living rodent. NMRs show negligible senescence, no age-related increase in mortality, and high fecundity until death. In addition to delayed aging, NMRs are resistant to spontaneous cancer. We sequenced and analyzed the NMR genome, which revealed unique genome features and molecular adaptations consistent with cancer resistance, poikilothermy, hairlessness, altered visual function, circadian rhythms and taste sensing. The extreme traits of NMR, together with the genome and transcriptome information, offer opportunities for understanding aging and redox biology, and advancing many other areas of biological and biomedical research.
Рабочий язык семинара – русский
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